The Standard Products Include (Figure1):

- Image planning protocol
- Image quality control (LQC of magnetometer, accelerometers and resistivity/acoustic data)
- Structural dip interpretation
- Natural fractures interpretation:
- Resistive natural fractures
- Conductive natural fractures
- Fracture families according strike direction
- Faults interpretation
- Sedimentary features (Clastic and carbonate)
- Borehole-breakouts and drilling-induced fractures detection:
- Hole shape analysis
- Drilling-induced fractures classification
- Direction of main horizontal stresses (Vertical wells)
- Set of PDF files (Deliverables):
- Dynamic and static interpreted images (1:40)
- Static image along with all interpreted tadpoles (1:200)
- Results Summary (Power Point – PDF Format)
- Stereonet plots (Upper hemisphere – Schmidt projection), Rosette Plots and Frequency Histograms
- All interpreted data is delivered in DLIS file
- Review meeting
- Rush processing and interpretation services (Additional charges)
- Real time LQC (Additional charges)
The Advanced Products Include (Figure 2):

- Fracture petrophysics from borehole imaging:
- Fractures density, length and aperture
- Fracture porosity and permeability
- Selection of best fractured intervals for hydraulic stimulation programs. Integration geologic, petrophysics and geomechanics data for unconventional reservoirs completion.
- Visual sand counting from borehole imaging (Applications in turbidite reservoirs)
- Stratigraphic analysis(Field and basin level data integration)
- Structural framework analysis (Compressive, extensional and shearing structural frameworks)
- Structural dip removal
- Paleo-current direction
- Sand body orientation
- Image-based electro-facies analysis Core-to-image calibration:
- Core photo–borehole image plot
- Image porosity for carbonate reservoirs
- Sandstone sorting analysis
- Core Orientation
- Image–based electro-facies and its integration with basic and special core analyses
- Review meeting
- Detailed written report (Additional charges).
Additional image processing (Figure3):

Image inpainting for 360° view (Hole diameters between 6” and 8.5”)
- Heterogeneity of borehole imaging based on fractal geometry (Clastic, carbonate and unconventional reservoirs):
- Fractal dimension curve(Binary images – Box Counting Algorithm)
- Lacunarity curve (Binary images–Gliding Box Algorithm)
- Singularity exponent(Grayscale images–Multifractal processing)
- Local fractal dimension (Grayscale images–Multifractal processing) (Fractal-based heterogeneity processing are delivered in LAS format).
- Development of Machine Learning(ML) models for regression and classification problems; the models can be based on the following algorithms:
- Multilayer perceptron and deep neural networks
- Decision trees, and on forest and gradient boosting
- Support vector machines
- Ridge, LASSO or any other proposed regression technique (Models are delivered in *SAV or *h5format – PYTHON
- ML model scan be trained with fractal parameters of borehole imaging,wireline/LWD logs,or both. This processing might be employed for:
- Increase sampling rate of wireline or LWD logs
- Reconstructs a single curve, a set of curves or any other petrophysics variable… (each variable represents a separate ML model)
- Automatic classification of image features
- Any other client requirement
Contact Jesus Sierra for more details.